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Top 4 Necessary Services for Parking Lot Maintenance

No parking lot is impenetrable. Environmental effects and regular use will wear down your asphalt over time. That said, the severity of this wear and tear is largely dependent on how well (or poorly) you care for your asphalt as the weeks, months, and years pass by. Simply put, the more effort you put into protecting your pavement, the less time and money you’ll have to spend on major repair and replacement jobs in the future. In order to keep your parking lot in good shape, however, it helps to know which moves make the biggest difference in preventing large-scale problems. So, let’s explore four of the most important asphalt services to invest in for proper long-term parking lot maintenance.

Top Four Asphalt Services for Parking Lot Maintenance

1. Crack Filling

Cracks are common even on relatively new asphalt surfaces. These fractures result from temperature changes, shifts in the earth, moisture intrusion, vehicle pressure, and more. And while a few small cracks here and there might not warrant immediate asphalt parking lot repair, you also don’t want to wait too long to fill these gaps. After all, any breach in your pavement provides an entrance for water, debris, pests, and other contaminants to seep into the material and do even more damage. The best way to prevent and mitigate these issues is to seal each and every crack along your parking lot when they’re still narrow and shallow.

2. Pothole Patching

If cracks are the most prevalent form of parking lot damage out there, potholes aren’t far behind, especially in a dynamic environment like the one found across New England. These annoying divots are primarily caused by the expansion and contraction of water underneath and inside the pavement. Fortunately, asphalt pothole repair isn’t too difficult to pull off at the earliest stages. The smallest potholes can be filled like large cracks, while large potholes need to be cut around and patched, so the area is stabilized and made even with the surrounding parking lot. Whatever the case, addressing any and all potholes will make your parking lot safer, more appealing, and less susceptible to additional forms of damage.

3. Asphalt Sealcoating

Perhaps no form of asphalt maintenance is more important or effective than periodic asphalt sealcoating. As its name suggests, sealcoating provides an asphalt surface with an additional layer of pavement to protect its top layer from moisture, pressure, abrasion, UV damage, and more. This extra protection also restores a parking lot’s appearance and yields a smoother, sturdier surface for vehicles and pedestrians to use. Sealcoating your pavement about every 2-3 years (or as needed) will help reduce the number and degree of parking lot repair projects (such as crack filling and pothole patching) you need to invest in over the long run.

4. Line Striping

Last but certainly not least: line striping. Every parking lot requires visible, durable, and strategically placed markings to organize traffic flow and designate different types of parking spaces. Without well-painted lines, your parking lot won’t just face compliance issues with local, state, and federal regulators – it will also become an unsafe and disorganized free-for-all for every employee, customer, and guest. Moreover, when people can’t easily figure out where to park or how to navigate a parking lot, the pavement takes on random and uneven levels of pressure, increasing the rate of wear and tear. Ultimately, keeping your lot’s lines fresh keeps your operation compliant, saves you time and money, and protects your pavement.

Asphalt Parking Lot Maintenance Musts

There’s no denying that maintenance can be tedious and time-consuming. But tackling the four asphalt maintenance measures above (as well as others) will save you time and headaches in the future. Why invest in fresh parking lot paving when you could keep your current pavement in great shape at a lower overall cost? No matter your parking lot needs, know that Cassidy Paving has you covered with our comprehensive asphalt maintenance, repair, and paving offerings.

If you need help keeping up with commercial asphalt maintenance or anything else asphalt-related, call us today at 866-978-9788.

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Note: We do not service residential driveways. We are happy to recommend a local company. Call us at 866-978-9788 to get a referral.