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The True Cost of Asphalt Repairs Near Me

An online search for “asphalt repairs near me” will yield you countless contractors in your area, all vying for your business. You’ll ultimately want to select a contractor that offers quality services at a competitive price. Of course, finding the right price for your asphalt repair project is difficult if you don’t know anything about the average costs of such projects. Asphalt repairs can cost anywhere from a couple hundred bucks to several thousand. The true cost of asphalt repairs in your area hinges on a multitude of variables. Understanding which factors go into these costs will help you budget for your next project and land the best price.

What to Know About the Cost of Asphalt Repair

What Determines the Cost of Asphalt Repair?

Like any other type of repair project, the total cost can be broken down into material cost and labor cost. These costs can be broken down on an even more granular level, however. For instance, more material and labor are required to repair larger surface areas – so, the size of your parking lot, driveway, or road (and the size of damaged components) matters. The project’s scope matters, too (i.e., how deep or widespread is the damage and which types of repairs are required to fix it). You must also consider seasonality, as asphalt contractors are in more or less demand depending on the time of year (certain repairs are restricted to certain times of year, too). Residential and commercial parking lot repair costs may differ as well based on regulations, foot traffic, etc. Asphalt repair costs also vary from one region to the next. Finally, different contractors charge different rates based on their level of experience, resources, schedule, and more.

Calculating the Cost of Your Project

With so many factors in the mix, calculating commercial paving and repair costs can seem impossible – doing so certainly isn’t a science, but taking the right steps will allow you to come up with a rough estimate of what your next asphalt repair project might cost so you can better craft your budget. For starters, you’ll want to assess the damage in question (professional inspections are ideal, but these cost money, too). From there, measure the width and depth of each crack and pothole you wish to repair. Determine how much material will be required to adequately repair these issues, and whether more intensive and specialized services may be necessary to restore your asphalt (e.g., milling, full-depth reconstruction, etc.). Next, do some digging online to find average price ranges for asphalt repairs in your area (you can go as broadly as New England or get more specific and look into Massachusetts, Boston, etc., depending on where you live) – services like Home Advisor allow you to input your zip/area code, type of work needed, and more.

If you input the correct information, you should end up with a fairly accurate price range to get you started.

Finding the Best Price for Your Asphalt’s Needs

Once you’ve got a general idea of what your asphalt repairs might cost, your next goal should be to find the lowest price without sacrificing quality. In order to do this, you must look into more than one commercial paving company and gather at least three estimates to compare. As you compare potential prices, don’t reach for the lowest bidder right away. Instead, thoroughly vet each candidate by viewing online reviews and asking them specific questions until you find a company that you trust will provide the best results for the price. In some cases, you might have to dish out a bit more to secure a reliable, competent asphalt repair provider – this might hurt in the short run, but you’ll save money in the long run by investing in higher quality work.

Save Money with Regular Asphalt Maintenance

When it comes to restoring your asphalt, your goal is to save money and make those repairs last. Establishing a strong maintenance plan will help you achieve both. By caring for your asphalt with regular cleaning, periodic inspections, and minor repairs as needed, you’ll greatly reduce the need for major, costly repairs down the road. At Cassidy Paving, we want our clients to save money and enjoy their pavement for the long haul, which is why we don’t just provide comprehensive asphalt repair services, but maintenance plans as well. Call Cassidy Paving today at 866-978-9788 for a free estimate on your next asphalt repair project.

No cutting corners. No skipping steps. Cassidy Paving is known for a caring, thorough approach to commercial paving, industrial paving, paving repairs, and snow removal.

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Note: We do not service residential driveways. We are happy to recommend a local company. Call us at 866-978-9788 to get a referral.